Max Manwaring: Translating Lessons Learned in Colombia and Other Wars Among the People: Confronting the Spectrum of 21st Century Conflict

Translating Lessons Learned in Colombia and Other Wars Among the People: Confronting the Spectrum of 21st Century Conflict by Max G. Manwaring Translating Lessons Learned in Colombia and Other Wars Among the People: Confronting the Spectrum of 21st Century Conflict Small Wars Journal, 27 August 2013 Beyond Afghanistan, we must define our effort not as …

Bruce Reidel: Pakistan Beats USA 12 Years In a Row

Pakistan, Taliban and the Afghan Quagmire By: Bruce Riedel With American and NATO combat troops scheduled to depart Afghanistan next year, the relationship between the Afghan Taliban and Pakistan has become more important than ever. It is a complex and complicated nexus. Without doubt, Pakistan and its intelligence service, the Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate of the …

Chuck Spinney: Robert Parry on CIA within CIA Coup Against Jimmy Carler

Below is a very important report (all of it below the line), written by Robert Parry, one of the best investigative journalists in what is left of the news business. As I explained here, the most powerful form of conflict is the M&M strategy waged a the moral level of conflict. The M&M or Motherhood and Mismatch …

General and Ambassador Karl Eikenberry on the Persistent Failure of US Understanding in Afghanistan

使用谷歌翻译在下一列的顶部。 गूगल अगले स्तंभ के शीर्ष पर अनुवाद का प्रयोग करें. Google sonraki sütunun üstünde Çevir kullanın. Используйте Google Translate на вершине соседней колонке. گوگل اگلے کالم میں سب سے اوپر ترجمہ کا استعمال کریں. Emphasis below added by Milt Bearden, former CIA chief in Pakistan also responsible for the field aspects of the CIA’s …

Marcus Aurelius: CIA False Flag Terrorism in Iran Plus Overview of Government-Sponsored False Flag Terrorism Over

F-6  info? CIA Admits It Hired People to Impersonate Enemies and Commit Terrorism in Iran The news that the CIA has admitted that it helped overthrow Iran’s democratically elected president in 1953 has gone viral. In reality, the CIA admitted that a long time ago.  Indeed, the bigger story is that the CIA admitted that it hired Iranians in the …

Berto Jongman: Peace Operations in Africa — Lessons Learned Since 2000

Peace Operations in Africa: Lessons Learned Since 2000 Given that since 2000 there have been over 50 peace-centered operations conducted in 18 African countries, this brief asks a simple question — what key lessons have we learned from these missions? In answering the question, the brief hones in on seven particular lessons learned, including 1) …

Esam Al-Amin: Egypt’s Shameful Day — Bloodbath on the Nile

Esam Al-Amin is the author of  The Arab Awakening Unveiled: Understanding Transformations and Revolutions in the Middle East. He can be contacted at follow him on Twitter: @al_arian1919. COUNTERPUNCH August 15, 2013 Egypt’s Shameful Day Bloodbath on the Nile In June 1967, it took Israeli forces only six hours to rout the Egyptian military and devastate its …