Marcus Aurelius: Politically-Correct Pentagon Gets It Half Right — On Religious Counterintelligence

New York Post, April 11, 2013, Pg. 27 Perils Of A Politically Correct Pentagon By Michael A. Walsh One of the core functions of government is to defend the nation from all enemies, foreign and domestic — that’s part of the oath of enlistment that all service personnel take. But only a flinty, clear-eyed — …

Marcus Aurelius: Broader Role for Special Operations Forces in Peace and War — Reading Between the Lines — And White SOF/NATO Future?

Military Sees Broader Role For Special Operations Forces, In Peace And War By Thom Shanker New York Times, 3 April 2013 EXTRACT When assigned to their home bases, regional experts within Army Special Operations force would continue to support overseas operations by assisting in mission planning, organizing information campaigns and sifting through intelligence — but …

Marcus Aurelius: Special Forces Autonomous, Morphing Into White SOF Going Global, March 29, 2013 Drawing Down, But Still Projecting Power By David Ignatius TAMPA–The emblem of the U.S. Special Operations Command pointedly illustrates its mission: It shows the tip of a spear. Now SOCOM is expanding this arsenal to create a global network that can project power even as America’s armies withdraw from the battlefields …

Marcus Aurelius: CIA Clandestine to Be Run by Woman in Charge of Rendtion & Torture Site?

What BS.  Officer almost certainly supported policies of Administration in office at time of actions. Los Angeles Times, March 29, 2013, Pg. 12 Moving Up The CIA Ladder Promoting an official who ran an overseas ‘black site’ is an outrageous idea. CIA Director John Brennan is reportedly considering promoting an official who ran an overseas …

Marcus Aurelius: USAF Priorities — Relieve One Colonel of Command for a Waistline (He Passed the PT Test), Never Mind the F-35 Killing Pilots and Budgets, or Generals Who Cannot Win Wars….

Priorities! Colonel relieved of command for failing PT [Waist Measurement] By Jeff Schogol – Staff writer Military Times, Wednesday Mar 20, 2013 16:47:54 EDT The Air Force has relieved a full colonel with an impeccable resume for failing his physical fitness test [Phi Beta Iota: he passed the physical test, it was his waist measurement …

Marcus Aurelius: KR Speculation About North Korea War Risk

From LIGNET (Langley Intelligence Group Network), a local commercial intel firm that trades on the perception, valid or otherwise, that it has ties to CIA. North Korea Threat Real; Retaliation Could Start Hot War March 19, 2013 After just over one year in power, North Korea’s novice leader, 30-year old Kim Jong Un, has dashed …