Protocol Over Politics – Restoring Agency to the Public with Open Source Liquid Democracy

NOTES: Industrial era institutions have failed — need a new way of organizing. Liquid demoracy, liquid feedback delegates trust. Politics about decision-making but no software captures how decisions are made and carried forward. AGENCY is the deinstituionalization (disintermediation) os as to move agency back to the people. Institutions cannot currently interact with networks (e.g. “outreach” …

Jean Lievens: Michel Bauwens on the democratization of the means of monetization — commons licenses that demand reciprocity!

Michel Bauwens on the democratization of the means of monetization In this new work, Michel continues to propose powerful ideas that not only demonstrate his capacity for synthesis, but more importantly, his capacity to articulate ideas that facilitate points of convergence between broad sectors that are sympathetic to the ideas of production based on the …

Jean Lievens: Peru Providing Solar Electricity to the Poor Via National Program

From – January 22, 7:57 PM Peru, where currently only some 66% of the population has access to electricity, will install solar panels in a National Photovoltaic Household Electrification Program for 500,000 of the poorest households. The project, which was kicked off recently in Contumaza province with the installation of some 1600 solar panels, will eventually …

Jean Lievens: Heritable Innovation Trust

Heritable Innovation Trust @ P2p Foundation Katie Martin: “The Heritable Innovation Trust (H.I.T.) is framework developed as an alternative to the intellectual property system that is held under contract law, giving it a more flexible structure to allow for the consideration of innovations with communal stewardship and adapted over time. By operating under contract law …

Event: 1 Mar 14 Registration Closes 7 Mar 14 Amsterdam ‘Social Media Intelligence (SocMint): Intelligent? No Borders? The Egg of Columbus? Raising Expectations? Risks, Challenges and Opportunities?’

‘Social Media Intelligence (SocMint): Intelligent? No Borders? The Egg of Columbus? Raising Expectations? Risks, Challenges and Opportunities?’ Netherlands Intelligence Studies Association (NISA) Stichting Inlichtingenstudies Nederland http://www.nisa‐ Conference organised by the Netherlands Intelligence Studies Association on 7 March 2014 at the Royal Netherlands Navy Barracks Kattenburgerstraat 7 te 1000 BA Amsterdam. Note: at the entrance identification …

Stephen E. Arnold: Free Pressures Fee Business Intelligence Bottom Feeders

Business Intelligence: Free Pressures For Fee Solutions I read “KB Crawl sort la tête de l’eau,” published by 01Business. The hook for the article is that KB Crawl, a company harvesting Internet content for business intelligence analyses, has emerged from bankruptcy. Good news for KB Crawl, whose parent company is reported to be KB Intelligence. …

Jean Lievens: Demonetization – Replacing Transactions with Social Relationships

The Demonetization Agenda – replacing transactions with social relations Republished from Stefan Meretz: “The question of how we deal with and act within the given monetary environment is crucial for the commons movement, since the monetary logic and the commons logic are opposites. Contrary to the claims of mainstream economics, money is not neutral or …