STEPHEN E. ARNOLD: The Addiction Analogy: The Cancellation of Influencer Rand Fishkin

The Addiction Analogy: The Cancellation of Influencer Rand Fishkin Another short item. I read a series of tweets which you may be able to view at this link. The main idea is that an influencer was to give a talk about marketing. The unnamed organizer did not like Influencer Fishkin’s content. And what was that content? …

Bitchute Directory

To seach by keywords, use ctrl + F and type in the word you are looking for BitChute Link for Description, Embed Code, Full-Screen Viewing, & Sharing DATE TYPE SUBJECT VIDEO TITLE/ LINK 2021-04-28 Mirror Crimes Against Humanity Mirror: Juan O’Savin Update 2021-04-27 Mirror ARISE RIDE FOR THE USA — Trent Loos (Rides a Horse) …


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Stephen E. Arnold: Justice Thomas, Social Media, and Big Tech

Are social-media platforms more akin to telephone carriers or to conference halls? SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas likens them to the former, we learn from “Justice Thomas Argues for Making Facebook, Twitter and Google Utilities” at Protocol. On the other hand, TechDirt makes a solid, though snarky, argument that social-media companies are more like venues that …