P2P Open Source In Depth: Open Manufacturing

Open Manufacturing at P2P Foundation 1 Introductory Citations 2 Visualization 3 Overview 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Comparative Tables 3.3 The Personal Manufacturing Industry 3.3.1 Tools Typology of Personal Manufacturing Machines (Hardware) Computer-Aided Design Software 3.3.2 Players 3.4 Mappings and Typologies 3.5 Key Resources 3.6 Introductory Articles

Patrick Meier: Big Data Philathropy aka Big Data Commons

Big Data Philanthropy for Humanitarian Response My colleague Robert Kirkpatrick from Global Pulse has been actively promoting the concept of “data philanthropy” within the context of development. Data philanthropy involves companies sharing proprietary datasets for social good. I believe we urgently need big (social) data philanthropy for humanitarian response as well. Disaster-affected communities are increasingly the source …

Patrick Meier: Stages of Resistance to Innovation — From Naval Gunfire to Blind Spys

From Gunfire at Sea to Maps of War: Profound Implications for Humanitarian Innovation MIT Professor Eric von Hippel is the author of Democratizing Innovation, a book I should have read when it was first published seven years ago. The purpose of this blog post, however, is to share some thoughts on “Gunfire at Sea: A Case Study …

Venessa Miemis: Birth of a Meme – The Rise of Culture Tech

Birth of a Meme: The Rise of Culture Tech I’ve been tracking emerging trends for a while now, exploring the co-evolution of humanity and our technologies, and building visions of the kinds of futures I’d like to see. Lately, I’ve found myself a bit restless, wondering “what’s next?” The conferences and gatherings I’m attending are beginning …

Howard Rheingold: DeepaMehta — MindMap + Communications

Welcome to DeepaMehta | DeepaMehta Looks like a more sociable version of Personal Brain — mindmapping plus communication. “DeepaMehta is a software platform for knowledge workers. The special feature of DeepaMehta is the situation-centered user interface: information belonging to one working context is — together with its content associations — displayed and edited in a …

Yoda: Real-Time Crowd-Sourcing + Twitter Meta-RECAP

How to Perfect Real-Time Crowdsourcing The new techniques behind instant crowdsourcing makes human intelligence available on demand for the first time. One of the great goals of computer science is to embed human-like intelligence in common applications like image processing, robotic control and so on. Until recently the focus has been to develop an artificial …

Patrick Meier: Filtering Tweets Real-Time for Crisis Response

Twitcident: Filtering Tweets in Real-Time for Crisis Response by Patrick Meier The most recent newcomer to the “tweetsourcing” space comes to us from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. Twitcident is a web-based filtering system that extracts crisis information from Twitter in real-time to support emergency response efforts. Dutch emergency services have been testing the …