Berto Jongman: Jeremy Scahill – The Secret Story Behind Obama’s Assassination of Two Americans in Yemen

Being watched in Europe. Jeremy Scahill: The Secret Story Behind Obama’s Assassination of Two Americans in Yemen CLICK FOR FIRST HOUR VIDEO AND TRANSCRIPT OF VIDEO The Obama administration’s assassination of two U.S. citizens in 2011, Anwar al-Awlaki and his 16-year-old Denver-born son Abdulrahman, is a central part of Jeremy Scahill’s new book, “Dirty Wars: …

Berto Jongman: Red Flag – Threat to Obama, Biden as President?

By selectively picking information from news items Sorcha Faal (David Booth) develops a new conspiracy story Obama Warned Is “True Target” Of Boston Massacre Read wild story with links. Phi Beta Iota:  Obama has done nothing to disappoint Wall Street.  His assassination would be high theater that could be played out for months, but nothing …

SchwartzReport: GMO Poison, Nuclear Seepage, Eat Less Die Less, Obama’s Three Failures

BioTech Lies Exposed: Genetically Modified Corn Is Loaded With Chemical Poisons JONATHAN BENSON – Global Research The more I learn about GMOs (See The Great Experiment: Genetically Modified Organisms, Scientific Integrity, and National Wellness the more I am convinced that this is a vast planet wide animal study, and we are the animals. We …

Winslow Wheeler: If OMB Cannot Manage, and DoD Cannot Win Wars or Secure Peace, Who Is to Blame? Sub-Text: Obama “Team” Has No Plan B — They Cannot Even Find Plan A!

Since the defense budget roll out on Wednesday, April 10, Pentagon budget geeks all over Washington have been popping Ibuprofen trying to unscramble the mess that DOD and OMB have made out of the 2013 and 2014 defense budgets. My take on this dysfunction is explained below. By the way, I don’t blame Secretary Hagel for …

Review: Irrational Security – The Politics of Defense from Reagan to Obama

Daniel Wirls 4.0 out of 5 stars Second to Goodman’s More Recent Book, Useful Nuggets but Overlooks Key Critics, March 1, 2013 I bought this book after reading — and rating at 5 stars — Mel Goodman’s new book, National Insecurity: The Cost of American Militarism (Open Media). That is the better and more relevant …

Eagle: Public Fear Over Obama Waffling on Drones Killing Americans Within the USA — Another Reason Not to Confirm John Brennan

Barack Obama Openly Hints At Desire To Kill Citizens With Drones Inside America… In a very oddly worded public response to a question posed to him during an online interview, Barack Obama dances around the topic of using military drones to kill Americans inside of the United States. Watch the following response and as you …