NIGHTWATCH: China Declares Peace with US, Taiwan, and the Region — The Chinese Dream is About Retrenchment & Revitalization

China: The National People’s Congress ended on the 17th with a press conference by Premier Li Keqiang. Before the closing, however, President Xi Jinping delivered his first address to the Congress. The central theme was The Chinese Dream. Eight of the 17 paragraphs of the text were devoted to, or carried forward the application of, …

Paul van Tongeren: Infrastructures for Peace New Network and Website

Dear friends, It is with great pleasure that I can introduce you to the International Civil Society Network on Infrastructures for Peace (I4P).   The network and website are launched today: Many countries lack capacities and structures to deal adequately with on-going and potential violent conflict. This has emerged as a central obstacle to the …

Berto Jongman: Peace on Earth? The Future of Armed Conflict

Peace on Earth? The future of internal armed conflict Warfare seems endemic to mankind. Nations around the world are driven by conflict. But is the impetus to war decreasing? Håvard Hegre finds statistical grounds for hope. In my view, perhaps the most evident shortcoming is that our predictions ignore the importance of political systems – …

Berto Jongman: Article on Local Peace Committees

Paul van Tongeren (2013): Potential cornerstone of infrastructures for peace? How local peace committees can make a difference, Peacebuilding, 1:1, 39-60 Potential cornerstone of infrastructures for peace? How local peace committees can make a difference Paul van Tongeren Co-founder, International Civil Society Network on Infrastructures for Peace, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Received 9 October 2012; final …

Patrick Meier: PeaceTXT Kenya — Beginning of Peace IO?

PeaceTXT Kenya: Since Wars Begin in Minds of Men “Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed.” – UNESCO Constitution, 1945 Today, in Kenya, PeaceTXT is building the defenses of peace out of text messages (SMS). As The New York Times explains, PeaceTXT …

Berto Jongman: Peace Intelligence Proposal, Comment by Robert Steele

Where Are the Peace-Intelligence Professionals? By Doron Pely Foreign Policy in Focus, February 22, 2013 Here’s an amazing fact: None of the world’s vaunted intelligence organizations boast a single “Peace Intelligence” division. Defense and offense are two major strategic aspects of each country’s governance, and national intelligence organizations expand enormous resources to produce and disseminate …

25-27 February 2013 Paris, France, Toward Knowledge Societies for Peace and Sustainable Development WSIS+10 Review Event UNESCO — Remote Participatiion Possible

WSIS+10 Review Event, 25-27 February 2013 Homepage Full Programme Open Consultation: Recommendations Feature Stories Supporters and Partners Practical Information Each session has a Cisco WebEx link for remote participation: enter your First Name, Last Name (surname), e-mail address, and the password: wsis – For technical problems, send a message to: or call or text …