Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Unclassified Executive Summary

SENATE SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE Unclassified Executive Summary of the Committee Report on the Attempted Terrorist Attack on Northwest Airlines Flight 253 May 18, 2010 The SSCI report identifies fourteen specific points of failure-a series of human errors, technical problems, systemic obstacles, analytical misjudgments, and competing priorities-which resulted in Abdulmutallab being able to travel to …

Journal: US Government Missing (or Obscuring) the Fundamentals

    My good friend Marshall Auerback analyzes the currency/debt crisis in in EU, and explains why this creates a situation fundamentally different from that facing nations with sovereign currencies. like Britain, Japan, and United States. It is a distinction that needs to be kept in mind, if the US is have a constructive fiscal …

Search: OSINT software

The search term brings up appropriate results, but the fact of the search gives us an opportunity to provide comment. 1)  Nothing now being used by governments, and certainly not iBase or Palantir, both aging technologies that do not scale and have too many fat-finger handicaps, fulfills the originial requirements documents crafted in the late …

Review: Corruption and Anti-Corruption–An Applied Philosophical Approach

Beyond Six Stars: Superb Foundation Work–Should Be Translated, May 5, 2010 Seumas Miller, Peter Roberts, Edward Spence Corruption is the pervasive, pernicious, pathological, preemptory, and predatory commonality within the ten high level threats to humanity as identified by the United Nations High-Level Threat Panel and published in 2004 in A More Secure World: Our Shared …

Review: Anti-corruption: Webster’s Timeline History, 1954 – 2007

Adequate but disappointing, May 3, 2010 I was greatly looking forward to this volume reaching me, and must confess to being disappointed. It is an adequate beginning, nothing more. Here is the page count for the time span covered: 1954-1999 10 pages 2000 03 pages 2001 05 pages 2002 08 pages 2003 09 pages 2004 …

Journal: Pentagon Strategy & Policy Oxymoron Squared?

Phi Beta Iota: We don’t make this stuff up.  The Pentagon has no strategy because the U.S. Government has no strategy.  The National Security Council is managed by a General who emphasized getting along with the Chief of Naval Operation, never-mind leaving Marines wounded on the battlefield for lack of Naval Gunfire Support (NFS). Join …

Journal: From Social “Science” HTT to KR Death Squads

Linking JIEDDO to US Death Squads: Chinese Publication Seeks Guidance from HTS Program Manager “According to several government and civilian sources, [Michael] Furlong’s operation was funded under a $24.6 million contract by the Defense Department’s Joint IED Defeat Organization [JIEDDO], which was set up early in the Iraq war to combat insurgents’ roadside bombs. His …