Graphic: Inter-Agency Collaboration

This graphic was inspired by both the work of LtCol Gary Beaver, USA (Ret), then in Bosnia, and the efforts of the U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) to create a global inter-agency information sharing capability.  We still need this, at the global as well as the regional levels.

Graphic: Global Threats to Local Survival (1990′s)

This graphic was created after being inspired by Berto Jongman’s brilliant World Conflict & Human Rights Map, a document that went out of creation in 2003 after he joined his national intelligence service.  His contribution is sorely missing and much needed again, only with an expansion to respect the profound wisdom contained in the Report …

Graphic: Connecting the Dots from Ingestion Onwards

Mike Hayden introduced the important concept of being able to connect the dots across disciplines from ingestion point onwards, not only at the finished production level.  Steve Edwards flipped chart to show dots coming it at the top, and Robert Steele added the last three bars, Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), Information Operations (IO), and all …

Graphic: Intelligence Standards

There was a time when we had the International Standards Organization (ISO) intereseted in possibly creating an ISO series for intelligence as a means of helping the eight tribes of intelligence do more information-sharing and sense-making together.  That died in part because standards kill military-industrial-intelligence sweetheart contracts that are not in compliance and no not …

Graphic: American Jihad Nodes

This was pulled and colorized, with permission, from Steve Emerson’s AMERICAN JIHAD: The Terrorists Living Among Us.  Completely apart from all of the pathologies associated with national foreign intelligence are those associated with virtually non-existent domestic intelligence.

Graphic: Seven Tribes of Intelligence (Original)

This was the original depiction.  Since then the media have been separated from the non-governmental organizations (NGO).  They were combined initially as a “ground truth” tribe, but are clearly better understood separately.  Similarly, as Paul Harper from the UN has pointed out, within each tribe, there are huge schisms and diversities of culture and point …