Afghanistan War Wealth + Corruption Cycle (Opium, Hashish, Minerals, Past Pipeline Attempts)

Talk of wealth from minerals by US geologists and Pentagon personnel add to the darkening view that those involved in war, corruption and disregard for the people of Afghanistan (and sacrificed soldiers + more to be sacrificed) will prosper… + Opium = supplies 90% of crop source for heroin (president Karzai’s brother links to heroin …

Review: Corruption and Anti-Corruption–An Applied Philosophical Approach

Beyond Six Stars: Superb Foundation Work–Should Be Translated, May 5, 2010 Seumas Miller, Peter Roberts, Edward Spence Corruption is the pervasive, pernicious, pathological, preemptory, and predatory commonality within the ten high level threats to humanity as identified by the United Nations High-Level Threat Panel and published in 2004 in A More Secure World: Our Shared …

Journal: Deja Vu in AF, Wahhabist Balkans….

Deja Vu in Marja Our guiding illusions in Afghanistan ANDREW J. BACEVICH, America Magazine: The National Catholic Weekly, 29 March 2010 In American politics, deficits have suddenly become all the rage. Throughout the presidency of George W. Bush, the federal government hemorrhaged red ink, with no one paying much attention. Upon the election of Barack …

MILNET Headlines, 24 February 2010

Bush-Obama Share Lawyers:  My Gift to President Obama Corporate Misbehavior:  Blackwater in Kabul, or Eric Cartman gets an AK-47 Corporate Misbehavior: Microsoft Takes Down Whistleblower Site, Read the Secret Doc Here Corporate Misbehavior: Must Watch TV: Blackwater’s ‘Team South Park’ vs the Senate Cyber-Security: Avoiding a Digital Dark Age Cyber-Security: Determining the motives for cyberattacks …

Review: China Safari–On the Trail of Beijing’s Expansion in Africa

Engaging, Earnest, New Insights, a Great Contribution February 22, 2010 Serge Michel, Michel Beuret, Paolo Woods (Photos) Of the modest number of books focused on China in Africa, this is one of the two best, and both are unique–if you buy only one, at least read my summary of the other, China into Africa: Trade, …