Paul Craig Roberts: Will Obama Doom Himself As A War Criminal?

Will Obama Doom Himself As A War Criminal? Obama, pushed by his Israeli and neocon masters, especially his National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, who, in effect, functions as an Israeli agent, crawled far out on the limb, only to have it sawed off by the British Parliament. In response, the “socialist” president of France, Hollande, …

4th Media Et Al: USA and Syria — Perfidy? Rebels Admit Culpability!

Another US War: A Way to Hastily Cover Evidence that the West Used Chemical Weapons against Syrian Children Another US War Crime in the Making in SYRIA: RUSSIA and CHINA Have Been Extremely Careless in Dealings with US Déjà vu and Syrian Chemical Weapons In Rush to Strike Syria, U.S. Tried to Derail U.N. Probe …

Chuck Spinney: Robert Parry on CIA within CIA Coup Against Jimmy Carler

Below is a very important report (all of it below the line), written by Robert Parry, one of the best investigative journalists in what is left of the news business. As I explained here, the most powerful form of conflict is the M&M strategy waged a the moral level of conflict. The M&M or Motherhood and Mismatch …

Berto Jongman: US Framing Syria? Other Reports on Syria

YouTube US Framing Syria Syrian Attack By US Within 48 Hours? Saudis offer Russia secret oil deal if it drops Syria Readout Of Secret Talks Between Putin And Saudi Intelligence Chief See Also (from 4th Media): Lavrov Warns against NATO Military Action as UN Inspectors Were Targeted by Snipers Iran Warns against Military Intervention in Syria …