Berto Jongman: How Edward Snowden Went From Loyal Right Wing NSA Contractor to Whistleblower Extraordinare — Advance Extract from “The” Book

The best account available to date. UPDATE 16 FEB 14: Glenn Greenwald considers the book complete bullshit. How Edward Snowden went from loyal NSA contractor to whistleblower He was politically conservative, a gun owner, a geek – and the man behind the biggest intelligence leak in history. In this exclusive extract from his new book, …

Berto Jongman: NSA Whistleblower William Binney – Full Transcript (19 Screens) Covering Corruption within NSA at All Levels

NSA 30 Year Veteran, Whistleblower William Binney on Corrupt NSA– the Inside Story– Transcript By Rob Kall, 1 February 2014 A transcript of my interview with William Binney. Listen here: Podcast/NSA-Whistlebower-American-by-Rob-Kall-America-Freedom-To-Fascism_FISA_IMPEACHMENT-OFF-THE-TABLE-PELOSI_ R.K.:  And welcome to the Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show WNJC 1360 AM out of Washington Township reaching Metro Philadelphia and South New …

Event: 27 FEB 14 San Francisco TRUSTYCON – the Anti-NSA Anti-RSA Anti-Google Conference on Trustworthy Technology

Technology should not only be Secure, it should be Trustworthy. Join us for the first Trustworthy Technology Conference, to be held on 27 February 2014 at the AMC Metreon Theatre in San Francisco, California. We welcome all security researchers, practitioners and citizens who are interested in discussing the technical, legal and ethical underpinnings of a stronger social …

Berto Jongman: Catalog of Snowden Revelations About NSA (Brookings)

Catalog of the Snowden Revelations About NSA This page catalogs various revelations by Edward Snowden, regarding the United States’ surveillance activities. Each disclosure is assigned to one of the following categories: tools and methods, overseas USG locations from which operations are undertaken, foreign officials and systems that NSA has targeted, encryption that NSA has broken, ISPs or platforms that NSA …

Reflections on Specific Intelligence Reforms (Including Alarm on NSA from 1994 Onwards)

The US IC has spent 1.2 trillion dollars since 1992 — and failed to provide ethical evidence-based decision-support capable of influencing tens of trillions more. This waste has to be understood in the context of a leadership (both intelligence and political)  focused moving money, not actually in the business of producing decision-support or making decisions …