Rickard Falkvinge: Four More Reasons Open File Sharing is a Virtual Public Library

Four More Reasons The Pirate Bay Is Effectively A Public Library – And A Great One Posted: 13 Dec 2012 06:57 AM PST Infopolicy:  File sharing fulfills the exact same need and purpose as public libraries did when they first appeared, and is met with the exact same resistance – even in the same words. …

Reflections: The Human Factor & The Human Environment: Concepts & Doctrine? Implications for Human & Open Source Intelligence 2.0

Citation:  Robert David STEELE Vivas, “The Human Factor & The Human Environment: Concepts & Doctrine? Implications for Human & Open Source Intelligence,” Phi Beta Iota Public Intelligence Blog (12 December 2012). For Part II See:  2012 Robert Steele: The Human Factor & The Human Environment: Contextual Trust for Sources & Methods UPDATE 16 Dec 2012:  …

2007 Open Source Intelligence (Strategic) 2.0

Now that everyone is paying attention, this is being posted in full text online in support of a larger M4IS2 / OSE dialog. Document:  Strategic OSINT (Chapter 6 in Strataegic Intelligence Vol 2) 10 MB Links added below throughout, updated where appropriate. See Also: 21st Century Intelligence Core References 2.0 Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Robert …

Graphic: Changing Centers of Gravity for Intelligence in an Open World

Source Page 11 Steele-Wright Commentary on Source with Graphics See Also: 2011 Open Source Agency: Executive Access Point Graphic: OSINT Competing Models Graphic: OSINT, We Went Wrong, Leaping Forward Books on Intelligence & Information Operations by Robert David STEELE Vivas et al Reference: Human Intelligence (HUMINT) – All Humans, All Minds, All the Time [Full …

John McGuire: YouTube (13:30) The Dawn of Open-Source Self-Sovereignty & The Human Element

Phi Beta Iota: 13.5 minutes, a cry from the heart of America, useful as a moment of personal self-reflection. A short video stressing the importance of Self-Evaluation, Identity Reclamation, and becoming an Agent for the Open-Source post-scarcity era. Thanks for your interest and support! Other Videos: John Maguire: YouTube (13:00) The Evolution of Open-Source Science …

Michel Bauwens: Open Peer to allow direct peer-to-peer signaling to initiate connection between people, using browsers

Open Peer to allow direct peer-to-peer signaling to initiate connection between people, using browsers From openpeer.org – Today, 7:27 AM While WebRTC is a protocol that allows direct communication between individuals on the internet, using their browser, there is a bottleneck that needs to be resolved.  WebRTC does not have a “signaling protocol”, which allows …