Review: The Telescreen – An Empirical and Philosophical Study of the Destruction of Consciousness in America

Jeffrey Grupp 5.0 out of 5 stars You need a brain to read this book; if you have one, the book will scare you,February 17, 2012 I have been keeping in touch with “alternative” sources for some time, ever since I realized in about 1988 that neither the US secret intelligence world nor the US …

Chuck Spinney: Right-Wing & Neo-Nazi Merger

Yet another first rate piece of work from my good friend Mike Lofgren. The Right-Wing Id Unzipped Tuesday 14 February 2012 by: Mike Lofgren, Truthout | News Analysis Retired Republican House and Senate staffer Mike Lofgren spoke with Truthout in Washington, DC, this fall. Lofgren’s first commentary for Truthout, “Goodbye to All That: Reflections of …

David Swanson: Deep Insights Into MICC Misbehavior Focus on Lockheed, Boeing, Northrup Grumman, General Dynamics

Phi Beta Iota:  The meat is below the line, itemizing corporate misbehavior and political bribes in relation to awarded contracts, most of which do not produce needed capabilities that live up to their Powerpoint engineering. The Election We Should Be Following For progressives and populists around the country who take an interest in Congressional races …

Josh Kilbourn: John Williams of ShadowStats Discusses Most Recent False Economic Statistics

AUDIO: John Williams ShadowStats 31:05 Boy oh boy, do I ever have a timely treat for you today. Back on Thursday, I was able to visit with John Williams of Shadow Government Statistics. In light of today’s heavily-manipulated BLSBS report, I’d say this podcast is rather timely. As most of you know, my college degree …

Gordon Duff: Roadmap to Reconstructing America or Reagan – Bush Crime of the Century?

Roadmap to Redressing Economic Terrorism in America Gordon Duff Veterans Today, 28 January 2012 We Weren’t Going to Stay Stupid Forever When the Cold War ended, a secret fund planned for by President Ronald Reagan had been set aside to rebuild America, pay off the national debt and reward Americans for decades of sacrifice.  This …