Berto Jongman: Does Terrorism Work? What Do They Want? + Meta-RECAP

Does Terrorism Really Work? Evolution in the Conventional Wisdom Since 9/11 (Max Abrahms) What Terrorists Really Want: Terrorist Motives and Counterterrorism Strategy (Max Abrahms) Why Terrorism Does Not Work (Max Abrahms) Max Abrahms Website Phi Beta Iota:  Terrorism is a tactic.  Both Israel and the USA have used it to great effect, and evidently continue …

Reference (2010): Human Intelligence (HUMINT) – All Humans, All Minds, All the Time [PDF & Full Text Online]

Human Intelligence (HUMINT): All Humans, All Minds, All the Time (US Army Strategic Studies Institute, June 2010) Short URL: Below the line: full text for automated translation.  The Amazon version is published by someone else abusing my original copyright granted only to SSI. Click on cover for free PDF download, or read full text …

Chuck Spinney: Criteria for a Sensible Grand Strategy

Criteria of a Sensible Grand Strategy Chuck Spinney (updated 11 Aug 2011) The Bush administration’s theory and practice of grand strategy could be summarized in the sound byte, “You are either with us or you are with the terrorists.” President Obama may have softened the rhetoric but his escalation of the targeted killing strategy by …

Richard Wright: DoD – A Strategic Hole – A Strategic Farce

A Strategic Hole – A Strategic Farce The Public Intelligence Blog (Phi Beta Iota) has carried a number of recent articles all of which had the common theme that the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) is wasting billions of dollars and can easily sustain major cuts in the DOD budget without threatening U.S. National Security. …

Richard Wright: It’s Only Money – Why the IC Continues to Fail & Robert Steele: 10% Grade – A Dishonorable Discharge Needed

Its Only Money The posting of Jim Bamford’s Politico article on today’s Public Intelligence Blog or rather the accompanying comment on it by Robert Steele [Jim Bamford: How 9/11 Fearmongering Grew NSA Into a Very Expensive Domestic Surveillance Monster] identifies the principal problem with the outrageously expensive NSA.  His comment is directly related to earlier …