Stephen E. Arnold: Facebook Circles of Hell Tipping Point

According to Information (no, that’s the name of an online publication), quite a bit. “Facebook Secret Research Warned of ‘Tipping Point’ Threat to Core App” discloses allegedly confidential information that doom approaches with a Like icon. (We will take a look at secrets let loose in our August 6, 2019, “DarkCyber” video program.) To simplify, …

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Update

Amazon Update List Only: Amazon-SUE-ticals The Pesky EU and Amazon Amazon Brand Control Bloomberg Identifies Amazon’s Most Serious Research Project Amazon Police Map Prime Day Data First Transnational Bank of Amazon Amazon Fee Triggers Amazon Stock Value Amazon Satellites Amazon Sales Reorg Criticism of AWS Firecracker? Partners and Integrators

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Update

Amazon Update List Only Amazon: Disinformation or Dissing the Competition? Employment Developments: Efficiency and Beyond Build a Serverless Architecture with AWS Amazon QLDB Amazon Offers Centralized and Decentralized Blockchain Services Amazon Emotion Detection DeepLens Now Available in Europe Amazon Neighborhood Watch Amazon Brands Amazon Acquisitions Amazon’s Impact on Truck Drivers How to Put Amazon in …

Stephen E. Arnold: Librarians Protest Against CIA

Librarians Take a Stand At the recent American Library Association’s annual conference in D.C., the CIA had a booth set up to entice librarians into a new role as intelligence analysts. Pretty smart, I’ll admit, but many ALA members were very unhappy with the agency’s presence. Raw Story reports, “Citing CIA’s Dark History, Librarians Protest …