Journal: Chuck Spinney Sends…Turkey and Iran

Turkey and the Iranian Question: Implications for Regional Stability Today’s Guardian contains at report with the provocative leader, ‘Iran is our friend,’ says Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan • We have no difficulty with Ahmadinejad – Erdogan • Warning to Europe not to ignore Turkey’s strengths Perhaps it is time for America and the EU …

Journal: Defense Research, Science, & Technology

DoD Suppressed Critique of Military Research New DoD Website Fosters Secret Science Phi Beta Iota:Two reports today confirm our grave doubts about the viability of U.S. Departemnt of Defense (DoD) research in general, and Science & Technology (S&T) in particular.  In combination with the known grid-loock and inherent loss of integrity within defense acquisition, these …

Journal: Chuck Spinny Flags Glenn Beck, Populist Rage is Rampant and Rightly So…

Chuck Spinney says: Even though OODA loops shaping nutty mass behaviour are becoming ever more disconnected from reality, Frank Rich shows this fact does not imply that the phenomenon of populist rage is not based on some real frustrations, grievances, anxieties, and fears.  CS The New York Times OP-ED COLUMNIST Even Glenn Beck Is Right …