Dolphin: Iclanders Approve Their Crowdsourced Constitution

Real democracy, technologically-enabled. Iclanders Approve Their Crowdsourced Constitution Iceland’s citizens were given a chance to help forge a new constitution for their country through Facebook and Twitter, so it’s not surprising that they backed the resulting draft. Now it’s over to the politicians. A constitution is a deeply serious thing: the bedrock of a country’s …

Gold Transformer: Post-US world born in Phnom Penh — But See Also CELAC Etcetera

Post-US world born in Phnom Penh By Spengler Asia Times, Nov 27, 2012 It is symptomatic of the national condition of the United States that the worst humiliation ever suffered by it as a nation, and by a US president personally, passed almost without comment last week. I refer to the November 20 announcement at …

Rickard Falkvinge: Free Market Failure: Telcos Charge More For Sending A Text Next Door Than Cost Of Sending Data From Mars

Free Market Failure: Telcos Charge More For Sending A Text Next Door Than Cost Of Sending Data From Mars Infrastructure:  The telco industry charges more, kilobyte by kilobyte, for sending a text message from your phone to next door than what it costs to send the same message from Mars to Earth. This is the …

Berto Jongman: Cybersummit 2012: CYBERSECURITY: A GLOBAL ASSESSMENT

The world is rapidly deploying ever-new applications and services that make use of ICT. As a result, global connectivity and interdependence are not only enablers for everyone who wants to compete, but also a requirement for basic participation in the global economy. The stakes for trust in cyberspace are as high as ever in the …

Patrick Meier: Using E-Mail Data to Estimate International Migration Rates

Using E-Mail Data to Estimate International Migration Rates As is well known, “estimates of demographic flows are inexistent, outdated, or largely inconsistent, for most countries.” I would add costly to that list as well. So my QCRI colleague Ingmar Weber co-authored a very interesting study on the use of e-mail data to estimate international migration rates. The study a large sample …

Practical Reflections on United Nations Intelligence + UN RECAP

Updated 21 Dec 2012 1800 Short Persistent URL for This Post: DOCUMENT:  2012 Reflections on UN Intelligence 2.3 21 Dec 2012 I had occasion to look at the Report of the Secretary General on the Work of the Organization, and thought this would be a good time to integrate some of what I have …