Mini-Me: Debunking Civil War Myths – About Control and Money, Not Freedom – Time for Secession Again, But From All Four Corners?

Huh? Debunking Civil War Myths – Long Proven Wrong The Victors Write the War History, but Should Their Lies be Immortal? [Veterans Today Editors Note: I was 46 before I learned that Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation did not free a single slave  anywhere ….Jim W. Dean] … by  Steve Scroggins The most persistent and pernicious Big …

Owl: ChemTrails, Martial Law, Oil Derivatives…

Chemtrails Against US General Public? This article explains how to distinguish ordinary contrails from what is a by-definition hazardous chemtrail in the sky. The reason it is hazardous is the two chemicals researchers were able to identify from chemtrails residues: “Several sky watchers throughout the world have had residue samples analyzed after collecting them in …

Chuck Spinney: Obama & Netanyabua — Scorpions in a Bottle

How two scorpions trapped in a bottle weaken each other while they strengthen Hamas and Iran and increase the risks of nuclear proliferation throughout the Middle East. Attached is an excellent explanation of this.  Not addressed specifically, but nevertheless implicit in the discussion is the universal influence of domestic politics in the shaping or a …

IVN Steele on Electoral Reform Part 2: Ballot Access

Steele on Electoral Reform – Part 2: Ballot Access Independent Voter News, 9 March 2012 Ballot access requirements shall be the same for every candidate, irrespective of party affiliation. Equal access includes access to debates. This shall also apply to initiatives and referenda, and to primary elections. No state shall be eligible to receive federal …

Progressive Press Integrated Bibliography Project

Below is the beginning of an integrated bibliography with links to Amazon pages for each book or DVD, a few links to articles or papers.  It provides a searchable means of considering many authors whose books question the mainstream myths while challenging the integrity of the existing blend of neo-everything.