Review: Betrayal: How Black Intellectuals Have Abandoned the Ideals of the Civil Rights Era

My Head Hurts–Time for a Black Caucus on Black Power October 7, 2009 Houston A. Baker My head hurts. After enjoying and reviewing Waiting for Lightning to Strike: The Fundamentals of Black Politics yesterday evening, I was not anticipating the firestorm of erudite adjective-laden brow-beating that this author delivers. Minus one star for beating several …

Journal: Director of National Intelligence Reverses Progress–Time to Rethink Everything

Shutdown Of Intelligence Community E-mail Network Sparks E-Rebellion The Atlantic POLITICS Marc Ambinder Oct 6 2009 The intelligence community’s innovative uGov e-mail domain, one of its earliest efforts at cross-agency collaboration, will be shut down because of security concerns, government officials said.  The decision, announced internally last Friday to the hundreds of analysts who use …

Reference: Russell Ackoff on Doing Right Things Righter

Phi Beta Iota: Government is broken.  Ron Paul has that exactly right.  It is broken for two reasons: first because over time those spending the money have grown distant from those providing the money, the individual taxpayers, AND from reality.  The second reason it is broken is because knowledge itself has become fragmented, and “systems …

Journal: Afghanistan as Microcosm

10 Steps To Victory In Afghanistan Reform or Go Home (David Kilcullen)    End Suicide Attacks (Robert Pape)    If You Can’t Beat Them, Let Them Join (Linda Robinson)    Pump Up the Police (Anthony Cordesman)    Kick Out Corruption (Nader Nadery)    Learn to Tax From the Taliban (Gretchen Peters)    Polls Have the Power (Merrill McPeak)    Take a Risk …

Journal: “Expert Judgement” vs. Public Intelligence

When one is brought up, professionally trained, in “systems thinking” and the importance of feedback loops, diversity, and integrity, everything else becomes pedestrian.  Today we highlight two books re-inventing the wheel so as to feature an extraordinarily useful but slighting incomplete oration on “expert judgement by our much-admired colleague at NIGHTWATCH, concluding with a list …

Review: The Resilient Earth–Science, Global Warming and the Future of Humanity

Pushes the Re-Set Button on Both Gore and Lomborg October 3, 2009 Doug L. Hoffman and Allen Simmons The more I read, the less I know and the more frustrated I grow with the insanity of academic, government, corporate, and non-governmental stovepipes of knowledge in isolation. Right up front this book, read crossing the Atlantic …