Sepp Hasslberger: Graphene Displacing Batteries?

Batteries are out – well not quite yet – but super capacitors are coming. Laser-Induced Graphene Looks to Displace Batteries With Supercapacitors The key attribute of LIG is how comparatively easy it is to produce as opposed to graphene made via chemical vapor deposition. For LIG, all that is needed is a commercial polyimide plastic sheet and …

Sepp Hasslberger: Edward West on Collaborative Technology Alliance

Doing more together, together: seeding a Collaborative Technology Alliance From the beginning. Last month, a group of 35 designers, engineers, and entrepreneurs from all over the world gathered in Oakland, California. Together, we are working on the creation of tools, strategies, and networks to build a new collaborative commons. Our group consisted of founders and …

Owl: Who Is Behind Hoards Invading Europe? Weapons of Mass Migration — George Soros Shorting Europe and Betting on Collapse?

It’s complicated — but we do not seem to be probing deeply enough into root patterns. Analyst Al Martin says Soros’ is shorting all of his investments in Europe, so he wants to become richer by helping bring about financial collapse in urging more refugees into Europe. Remaking a Country by Destabilising a Country This …

Worth a Look: New Books on Grand Strategies

“Since the end of the Cold War, impulse and ideology, generously seasoned with fantasy, have displaced principled strategy as the basis for U. S. policy. In this important and timely volume, Barry R. Posen illuminates the path back toward good sense and sobriety. Restraint is a splendid achievement.”―Andrew J. Bacevich, Boston University, author of Breach …