Neal Rauhauser: Are Syrian and Iraqi Conflicts Merging? Is Iran Gaining a Corridor to the Mediterranean?

UN envoy: Iraq and Syrian conflicts are merging That headline appeared in my inbox earlier and I have been dreading it. The Syrian civil war has spilled over into Lebanon, it’s encroaching on Turkey’s territory, and it’s set off troubles in neighboring Iraq, which are now merging into an end to end regional threat. Let’s …

Neal Rauhauser: Turkey – Iran – Saudi Arabia in Conflict

Today’s Tripolar Power Struggle A few days ago I came across a map as part of research intended to expand the current Shia/Sunni labels applied to the Syrian conflict into the regional actors that fuel it. Egypt was given a prominent role that likely dated back to thinking about the United Arab Republic, formed early on …

John Robb: Iran, Cyberwar, and the Perils of Lazy (or Corrupt) Thinking

Iran, Cyberwar, and the Perils of Lazy Thinking For those of you that don’t know, the US doesn’t spend much time/energy/effort on military strategy and theory.  They do spend money on political scientists and engineers to provide a substitute.  Regardless, this deficit means the US continually falls victim to strategic errors due to stale military …

Iran Election Results — Moderation Wins

Iran’s new president hails ‘victory of moderation’ (Reuters) – Moderate cleric Hassan Rohani won Iran’s presidential election on Saturday with a resounding defeat of conservative hardliners, calling it a victory of moderation over extremism and pledging a new tone of respect in international affairs. White House acknowledges Iran election results, praises voters Offering praise for …

Franklin Lamb: Obama, Surrounded by Liars and Untried Youths, Declares War on Syria — USA Working for Iran (Again)

Why Obama is Declaring War on Syria Veterans Today, 15 June 2013 (Beirut) – The short answer is Iran and Hezbollah according to Congressional sources. “The Syrian army’s victory at al-Qusayr was more than the administration could accept given that town’s strategic position in the region. Its capture by the Assad forces has essentially added …

Eagle: Pentagon destroys replica of underground nuclear facility — Israel assured budget cuts will not stop attack on Iran

US experiment: Pentagon destroys replica of underground nuclear facility Pentagon uses advanced bunker buster bombs to destroy replica of underground facility as part of experiment whose results were relayed to friendly nations The Pentagon has recently completed a series of field exercises on US soil as part of which a replica of an underground nuclear …

Berto Jongman: US Attacking Iran and China — While Living in a Glass House

Silent War On the hidden battlefields of history’s first known cyber-war, the casualties are piling up. In the U.S., many banks have been hit, and the telecommunications industry seriously damaged, likely in retaliation for several major attacks on Iran. Washington and Tehran are ramping up their cyber-arsenals, built on a black-market digital arms bazaar, enmeshing …