Journal: America Delibertely Uninformed & Proud of It…

Deliberately uninformed, relentlessly so [a rant] Many people in the United States purchase one or fewer books every year. Many of those people have seen every single episode of American Idol. There is clearly a correlation here. Access to knowledge, for the first time in history, is largely unimpeded for the middle class. Without effort …

Reflections from Tom Atlee–We Beg One and All to Read and Contribute-and Join Us in Louiseville!

Phi Beta Iota: We beg one and all to read this and to contribute to the Co-Intelligence Institute whatever they can, be it $20 or $250 (our founder’s usual contribution).  Tom Atlee brought collective intelligence and public intelligence to where it is today.  America–and the world–need him vibrant and engaged.  PLEASE do what you can …

Review: Shooting the Truth–The Rise of American Political Documentaries

Both a Tour of Substance, and an Eye Opener for Book People July 29, 2010 James McEnteer This is a 6 Star and Beyond book and is so categorized at Phi Beta Iota, the Public Intelligence Blog, where one can browse all 1600+ of my non-fiction reviews sorted into 98 categories and easily found with …

Review (Guest): Government of the Shadows–Parapolitics and Criminal Sovereignty (Paperback)

Review by Guido G. Preparata (Rome, Italy) 5.0 out of 5 stars Innovative and courageous social science June 8, 2009 Eric Wilson and Tim Lindsey (eds) In this recent volume by Pluto Press, Eric Wilson (Monash University) has assembled an all-stars team of politologists with the objective of changing the face of social analysis. This …

Journal: False Consciousness, False Government?

My good friend Werther has been beavering away again in the US manure pile and this time has resurrected Engels’ theory of False Consciousness to help explain the mismatch between ideology and reality that has become enshrined in contemporary American political psychology. False Consciousness By Werther* “If they can get you asking the wrong questions, …