Jon Rappoport: Is the NSA manipulating the stock market? Is this creating a black off-budget slush fund for the Pentagon?

Is the NSA manipulating the stock market? Trevor Timm of the Electronic Freedom Frontier dug up a very interesting nugget. It was embedded in the heralded December 2013 White House task force report on spying and snooping. Under Recommendations, #31, section 2, he found this: “Governments should not use their offensive cyber capabilities to change …

Berto Jongman: Edward Snowden at TED – The Biggest Revelations Are Yet To Come….

Edward Snowden: The Biggest Revelations Are Yet to Come VANCOUVER, Canada — Edward Snowden on Tuesday said the biggest revelations have yet to come out of the estimated 1.7 million documents he acquired from the National Security Agency. In a surprise appearance via satellite robot at the 2014 TED conference in Vancouver, Snowden said there …

Owl: Malaysian Airlines Flight Hijacked via AWACS? Chinese Engineers Renditioned? Update 4 Diego Garcia Redux, Boeing Cyber Hijack

UPDATE 16 Mar 14: Was Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Redirected to Diego Garcia? and also Is missing Malaysian jet the world’s first CYBER HIJACK? Chilling new theory claims hackers could use a mobile phone to take over the controls UPDATE 15 Mar 14: Malaysia Airline MH370: 9/11-style terror allegations resurface in case of lost plane …

Rickard Falkvinge: Charlie Shrem, From House Arrest, Earns Standing Ovation – Free Knowledge, Free the Market, Free the World!

Nothing New Under The Sun, Bitcoin Edition Cryptocurrency – Charlie Shrem:  I was invited to speak at Texas Bitcoin Conference in Austin this past week. Due to my house arrest, I’ve been largely staying low key but felt I needed to make a statement, a strong one. I asked Rick if I could use his …