Review (Guest): Science, Strategy and War–The Strategic Theory of John Boyd

Frans P.B. Osinga 5.0 out of 5 stars “Hell of an Engineer” October 24, 2010 By Retired Reader (New Mexico) – See all my reviews Phi Beta Iota: This is the long review provided directly to Phi Beta Iota.  A shorter review can be read at the Amazon Page. I have just completed a first read …

Journal: UK Defence Bottoms Up, US DoD Next…

Joe Cirincione President of Ploughshares Fund Posted: October 20, 2010 02:13 PM British Budget Collapse Foreshadows Cuts to Come in U.S. Defense Budget Great Britain’s cuts, particularly to its nuclear forces, are the canary in the defense budget mine. Just as massive deficits forced the conservative UK government to cut deep into its military programs, …

Reference (2010): Integrity–Without it Nothing Works II

Integrity – A New Model “INTEGRITY: A POSITIVE MODEL THAT INCORPORATES THE NORMATIVE PHENOMENA OF MORALITY, ETHICS, AND LEGALITY” Academic Paper in Progress Werner Erhard and Professor Michael C. Jensen discuss their positive model of integrity that links integrity and personal and corporate performance. They address integrity in a developing academic paper, whose primary purpose …

Review: Surrender to Kindness (One Man’s Epic Journey for Love and Peace)

6 Star and Beyond–Deep Soul-Moving Raw Truths August 26, 2010 Joseph David Osman I had the privilege of reviewing this book before it was published. Below is what I provided for use in publicizing the book, followed by my more detailed summary review provided here for the first time. I have goose-bumps as I contemplate …

2010 Hacking Humanity & SPY IMPROV, Email, Photos, Complete Audio

The State of Global Intelligence Robert Steele Our first speaker at our first conference back in 1994 is back to once again presents an overview of global intelligence. Smart Cities, Smart Corporations, Smart Nations are the ideal. The “tribes” of intelligence – academic, civil, commercial, government, law enforcement, military, and non-governmental – are almost catatonically …