1997 Kevin Kelly New Rules for the New Economy

Kevin Kelly,  one of the “Who’s Who” in Cultural Intelligence, was among the very first to understand, in a coherent fashion, the rise of neo-biological civilization and the intersection of humanity and technology in ways that would change everything.  This article became a book.

1995 Bender (US) The Information Highway: Will Librarians Be Left by the Side of the Road?

In 1986, Project GEORGE (Smiley) in the CIA’s Office of Information Technology discovered that computers had been designed without ever talking to librarians.  There were created as unstructured bit buckets.  It turns out that in the analog period, structure and the Dewey decimal system and humanly-constructed taxonomies were vitally important if one was to archive …

1994 Brief to the National Research Council Review of the Army Multi-Billion Dollar Future Communications Architecture UPDATED Full Text Online + References

It was a privilege to be asked by the National Research Council to comment on the U.S. Army’s multi-billion dollar future communications architecture.  I noticed immediately that the entire program assumed self-generated bits and bytes and made no provision, ZERO PROVISION, for acquiring and making sense of external information from anyone outside the DoD “grid.” …

1994 Sounding the Alarm on Cyber-Security

This is the cover letter to the US Government official most responsible for thinking about the National Information Infrastructure (NII) and the security of that infrastructure.  Three “top guns,” one of the the foremost authority in the public arena, another the foremost expert on these matters advising the National Security Agency (NSA) all agreed on …

Graphic: OSINT All-Source Temple

This is the original graphic that captured Robert Steele’s vision for leveraging Open Source Information (OSIF) and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) to dramatically improve the effectiveness of the classified disciplines and consequently the reach and insight of the all-source analysts.