Journal: Plain Speaking About Washington Scams

Culture & Technology Dark Visions? Cyberspace In Words And Warfare by Tim StevensThe facts of cyberterrorism, or state-sponsored cyberattacks, are heavily-guarded by national security protocols, but the case has yet to be made that these are really significant risks, despite what you hear senior officials say.  And this is the point: you cannot use the darkest …

Journal: Tobin Tax (Tax the Moving Money Not Earned Income) Coming Forward

The Tobin tax or Wall Street sales tax is rapidly gathering momentum thanks to a bid by British Labour Party MPs to save themselves from looming defeat at the hands of the Tories by playing this great economic populist card. If the Labour Party succeeds with this gambit, it will tend to transform the situation …

Journal: Attacks Against the US Government

Timeline: Government Under Attack By Dawn Lim and Ross Gianfortune March 5, 2010 Thursday evening’s shootout between Pentagon police officers and a gunman apparently motivated by anti-government sentiment was the latest in a spate of attacks on federal employees and facilities and serves as a stark reminder that public servants too often find themselves …

Journal: The Looting of America Continues…

The MICC Moves to Hose the Taxpayer One More Time Eisenhower’s Nightmare Arrives By FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. Dwight D. Eisenhower,  …

Journal: Stronger Signals of Armed Anger in USA

There is a new nation-wide movement striving to innoculate the National Guard as well as state and local police forces against illegal orders from the Pentagon and the White House.  The basic loyalty to the Republic Oath elements are below.  This comes in reaction to three distinct tangibles and one unverified but provocative intangible that …

Journal: False Consciousness, False Government?

My good friend Werther has been beavering away again in the US manure pile and this time has resurrected Engels’ theory of False Consciousness to help explain the mismatch between ideology and reality that has become enshrined in contemporary American political psychology. False Consciousness By Werther* “If they can get you asking the wrong questions, …