Yoda: Hundreds Protest FCC Dismissal of Net Neutrality

Neutrality not… Hundreds protest outside FCC net neutrality hearing One activist calls FCC’s proposal “a nail in the coffin” for American innovation. WASHINGTON, DC—As the Federal Communications Commission was considering new net neutrality rules, hundreds of protesters gathered outside the meeting Thursday morning to protest FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler’s proposal. Advocacy organizations like Free Press argued that …

Jean Lievens: Bitcoin vs. Litecoin vs. Peercoin vs. Ripple vs. Namecoin

Bitcoin vs. Litecoin vs. Peercoin vs. Ripple vs. Namecoin While many are still being turned on to the perks of Bitcoin as a speculative asset, platform, and currency, there are other players in the game. Here is a brief look at how these cryptocurrencies stack up in terms of features. Also, if you’re interested in …

Steven Aftergood: ODNI Rethinks Secrecy and Openness in Intelligence — 25 Years Late, Neither Credible nor Effective, Still Missing the Point!

ODNI Rethinks Secrecy and Openness in Intelligence By leaking classified intelligence documents, Edward Snowden transformed public awareness of the scale and scope of U.S. intelligence surveillance programs. But his actions are proving to be no less consequential for national security secrecy policy. “These leaks have forced the Intelligence Community to rethink our approach to transparency …

Rickard Falkvinge: Charlie Shrem, From House Arrest, Earns Standing Ovation – Free Knowledge, Free the Market, Free the World!

Nothing New Under The Sun, Bitcoin Edition Cryptocurrency – Charlie Shrem:  I was invited to speak at Texas Bitcoin Conference in Austin this past week. Due to my house arrest, I’ve been largely staying low key but felt I needed to make a statement, a strong one. I asked Rick if I could use his …

Ted Shulman: The Future of Internet Alternatives

The Future of Internet Alternatives Derrick Broze BenSwann.com, 28 February 2014 In the wake of leaked documents detailing extensive, indiscriminate monitoring of the internet a number of solutions have appeared. These new alternatives to the traditional world wide web could completely alter the way we access information. But can they stop a nosy government? Is …