2004 21st Century Intelligence: A History from the Future

Robert David STEELE Vivas 4 Jun 04 Keynote to International Intelligence History Association (Graz, Austria) FINAL 1.6 dated 30 May 2004 RTF 9 Pages: Steele IIHA Keynote 21st Century Intelligence FINAL RTF 21st Century Intelligence: A History from the Future Robert David STEELE Vivas Let me begin by paying tribute to two historians, five realists, …

2003 Hock (US) The Open-ness of the Open Internet

PLATINUM LIFETIME AWARD, Dr. Ran Hock Dr. Ran Hock has done more than any single individual to educate both government and private sector parties with respect to the value of the deep web.  He has single-handedly trained hundreds of individuals in the nuances of this major new intelligence resource base.  Emphasizing individual analytic skills and …

2003: Peacekeeping Intelligence Leadership Digest 1.0 (Full Text Online for Google Translate)

Peacekeeping Intelligence Leadership Digest 1.0[i] Robert David Steele Ben de Jong, Wies Platje, and Robert David Steele, PEACEKEEPING INTELLIGENCE: Emerging Concepts for the Future (OSS International Press, 2003), pp. 201-225. Original As Published Executive Summary The Brahimi Report, in combination with documented field experience from numerous UN peacekeeping missions, and the memoirs and published statements …

2003 Information Peacekeeping & the Future of Intelligence – The United Nations, Smart Mobs, & the Seven Tribes (Full Text Online for Google Translate)

Information Peacekeeping & the Future of Intelligence ‘The United Nations, Smart Mobs, & the Seven Tribes’[1] Robert David Steele Ben de Jong, Wies Platje, and Robert David Steele, PEACEKEEPING INTELLIGENCE: Emerging Concepts for the Future (OSS International Press, 2003), pp. 201-225. Original as Published Full Text Online for Ease of Automated Translation

2003 Harris (US) Beautiful Minds (Ralph Peters, Maverick Analyst)

Ralph Peters stands out in Phi Beta Iota’s tag cloud because among the 2000 or so authors represented here, he has both multiple non-fictions books to his name that we have reviewed, and he has given provocative presentations on more than one occasion to the multinational public intelligence audience that we began nurturing in 1992.  …