Mongoose: Zionists Capture FDA with Mnuchin Help — Israeli Drugs to be Fast-Tracked into US Marketplace

FDA Quietly Planning to Open Satellite Branch In Tel Aviv To Fast-Track Israeli Drugs to U.S. Market Israeli medtech and biotech companies are in line for an early ‘Christmas’ present, after U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin met with Israeli health officials and Marius Nacht, co-founder of life sciences and healthcare venture capital fund …

Mongoose: Rotavirus Vaccine Case Study of CDC and FDA Corruption

The Rotavirus Vaccine: A Case Study in Government Corruption and Malfeasance In a previous article for Children’s Health Defense, titled “Why You Can’t Trust the CDC on Vaccines”, we looked at how it can be true that government agencies are misinforming the public about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. The very prospect is treated …

Jon Rapport: Should FDA Be Charged with Murder? Or Labeled a Domestic Terrorist Organization? Is the Fake News Media (CNN, NYT, CBS, ABC, LAT) an Accessory to Murder?

Why the FDA should be charged with murder If you worked for a federal agency that was killing people at the rate of 100,000 a year, every year, like clockwork, and if you knew it, wouldn’t you feel compelled to say or do something about it? Let’s shift the venue and ask the same question. …

Jon Rappoport: Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a Criminal Organization Murdering Over 100,000 People a Year

Shut down the FDA, start over Vera Sharav, at, has posted a piece about an investigation headed by NYU Professor Charles Seife. Seife and his students probed the work of the FDA, the federal agency tasked with approving medical drugs for public use. Sharav: “FDA documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, revealed …

Jon Rappoport: Murder at the FDA – And Mass Murder by FDA of Over 100,000 US Citizens a Year from Approved Homicidal Pharmaceuticals…

Murder at the FDA File this one under: “studiously ignored by major media.” I posted this story in August of 2012. It was based on a Truthout interview of a man who did drug reviews for the FDA. He examined applications to approve new medical drugs for public consumption. Pharmaceutical companies must have their new …