Stephen E. Arnold: President of Oracle on Open Source….

Unexpected Observations from the President of Oracle Perhaps the apparently incongruous remarks from Oracle president Mark Hurd foretell a shift in direction for his company. That was my thought when I read ReadWrite‘s piece, “Red Hat to Oracle: Have You Tried Free?” However, writer Matt Asay seems to see Hurd’s comments as either hypocritical or …

Stephen E. Arnold: Open Source Affordability Pressures Oracle and Others….

Open Source Affordability Pressures Oracle and Others The budget crunch is hitting everyone. IT departments are being asked to slim down and do more with less. Apparently the government is no exception. The affordability of open source has the government’s attention and is changing the content management and enterprise playing field. Read more about the …

Berto Jongman: The Oracle of Belgrade – Early Warning Ignored

Interesting look back at early warning on Yugoslavia, and now into the future. The Oracle of Belgrade   By John Feffer Foreign Policy in Focus, December 13, 2012 Activist Sonja Licht took no pleasure in correctly predicting the tragedy of Yugoslavia. Cross-posted from John is currently traveling in Eastern Europe and observing its transformations …

Journal: Microsoft Pinned Between Google and Oracle-IBM

Oracle-IBM pact cuts Android off at the knees Larry Ellison’s latest move could seriously undermine Android, no matter how Oracle’s courtroom battles with Google turn out Here’s the story in a nutshell: Android apps are written in a restricted dialect of the Java language, which meant the platform had a vast and skilled developer community …

Journal: Oracle Up, Google Down, Band Plays On…

Oracle Growth Plans Worry Rivals and Customers ASHLEE VANCE September 21, 2010 EXTRACT 1:  But Oracle’s annual takeover of San Francisco pales against its larger ambitions — to supply just about all the technology, software and hardware, that businesses might need. This sweeping agenda has rattled the nerves of customers, who fear that Oracle has …

Google, MSoft, IBM, HP, Oracle, Intel (chips), National Security and Perceived Internet Threats

U.S. Strategy: Control The World By Controlling The Internet A Chinese Perspective, by Chen Baoguo, August 24, 2010 In May 2009, Microsoft announced on its website that they would turn off the Windows Live Messenger service for Cuba, Syria, Iran, Sudan and North Korea, in accordance with US legislation. In January 2010, Google, the company …

Journal: Real-Time Analytics, Bye to SQL, Oracle, SAP

Cloud Analytics: Dataflow versus Databases Realtime analytics drives a migration away from databases to more scalable parallel dataflow architectures. Bill McColl, 29 October 2009 Over the past year or so, a new movement, the “NoSQL” movement has emerged promoting the advantages of doing a variety of kinds of analytics without using any relational database technologies …