Georgi Alexandrov Stankov: The Usual Delay of the Ascension Scenario Propels Us to Much Higher Favourable Timelines

The Usual Delay of the Ascension Scenario Propels Us to Much Higher Favourable Timelines What can we expect in the coming days? As I said, it is our thumb rule that each obvious delay of the ascension scenario in the perceived 3D linear time opens the portals to bilocate rapidly onto much higher timelines where …

Georgi Alexandrov Stankov: Martin Geddes Open Your Mind to Change – Recommendation & Supplementary Comments Plus Repeat of Steele Foreword

Martin Geddes: Open Your Mind to Change – A Guidebook to the Great Awakening source Observations by Georgi Alexandrov Stankov, January 20, 2021 My mind is like a squirrel that constantly runs up and down the tree of knowledge from the roots to the furthest branches and leaves without getting lost for a minute as …

Georgi Alexandrov Stankov: The Disgrace of the American Patriots

The Disgrace of the American Patriots Patrick Amoroso as commissioned by… The dilemma posed by the imploding conditions now manifesting across the American political-financial-societal institutions is proof positive that the ELITIST concept of the Nation-State as an organizing and collective ethos for the benevolent aspirations of humanity IS hereby NOW defunct. For a certainty, the …

Georgi Alexandrov Stankov: The Pathway to Freedom: How Humans Will Change as Energetic Systems During the Upcoming Global Shift

The Pathway to Freedom: How Humans Will Change as Energetic Systems During the Upcoming Global Shift In this discourse, I have outlined the cardinal psychological transformation which the human incarnated personality will undergo as an energetic system during the impending global shift. Here is the quintessence: “This shift will not be the final ascension as, …