Mike Lofgren: Investigative Commissions as Pretentious Cover-Up — the 9/11 Commission Ten Year On

How to Read a Government Commission Report: An Inquiry Into the 9/11 Commission’s 10th Anniversary Report As an inquiry into the complex subject of international terrorism, the 9/11 Commission’s 10th anniversary reprise is a slipshod farrago of circular argumentation, faulty reasoning and naïve gullibility about the claims of senior officials – but it does serve …

Worth a Look: Books on Governance & Resilience

Forthcoming 14 May 2014. Resilience has become a central concept in government policy understandings over the last decade. In our complex, global and interconnected world, resilience appears to be the policy ‘buzzword’ of choice, alleged to be the solution to a wide and ever-growing range of policy issues. This book analyses the key aspects of …

Worth a Look: Books on War and Torture Victims, Asylum and Refugee Trauma

2014 Refuge and Resilience: Promoting Resilience and Mental Health among Resettled Refugees and Forced Migrants Taking an interdisciplinary approach and focusing on the social and psychological resources that promote resilience among forced migrants, this book presents theory and evidence about what keeps refugees healthy during resettlement. The book draws on contributions from cultural psychiatry, anthropology, …

Review: American Nations – A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America

Colin Woodard 5.0 out of 5 stars Nine Nations Was a Snap-Shot — This Is Deep History & Ends Thoughtfully, February 16, 2014 I bought this book prepared to dislike it, having given a rave review to Joel Garreau’s The Nine Nations of North America. Let me settle that one immediately. I loved this book. …

Patrick Meier: Why Anonymity is Important for Truth and Trustworthiness Online

Why Anonymity is Important for Truth and Trustworthiness Online Philosophy Professor, Karen Frost-Arnold, has just published a highly lucid analysis of the dangers that come with Internet accountability (PDF). While the anonymity provided by social media can facilitate the spread of lies, Karen rightly argues that preventing anonymity can undermine online communities by stifling communication and …

Review (Guest): The Nearly Free University and the Emerging Economy: The Revolution in Higher Education

Charles Hugh Smith Publisher’s Overview: With the soaring cost of higher education, has the value a college degree been turned upside down. College tuition and fees are up 1000% since 1980. Half of all recent college graduates are jobless or underemployed, revealing a deep disconnect between higher education and the job market. It is no …