Yoda: International Appeal – Stop 5G on Earth and in Space

International Threat Report & Appeal to Stop 5G Proliferation To the UN, WHO, EU, Council of Europe and governments of all nations, We the undersigned scientists, doctors, environmental organizations and citizens from ( ) countries, urgently call for a halt to the deployment of the 5G (fifth generation) wireless network, including 5G from space satellites. …

Who’s Who in Cultural & Earth Intelligence: Elisabet Sahtouris

Internationally known as a dynamic speaker, Dr. Sahtouris is an evolution biologist, futurist, professor, author and consultant on Living Systems Design. She shows the relevance of biological systems to organizational design in business, government and globalisation. She holds the World Business Academy’s Elisabet Sahtouris Chair  in Living Economies, is an advisor to EthicalMarkets.com and the …

INTERVIEW: Nafeez Ahmed (The Guardian) and Robert Steele on Re-inventing Intelligence to Re-engineer Earth

NEW URL (Guardian revamping its site): The open source revolution is coming and it will conquer the 1% ORIGINAL URL: The open source revolution is coming and it will conquer the 1% – ex CIA spy The man who trained more than 66 countries in open source methods calls for re-invention of intelligence to re-engineer …

Yoda: True Cost Economics Model from Foundation Earth

Toward A True-Cost Economic Model: Cheater Economics, Fair Play, & Long-Term Survival Over the next century communities worldwide will experience an unprecedented shift of weather instability. Extreme weather events are ecological spasms often driving economic spasms and regional collapses. Concerned citizens and opinion leaders need to prepare before these eco-spasms proliferate. Far from being prepared, …

Hackers on Planet Earth: Daniel Ellsberg Confirmed as Keynote

HOPE X July 18-20, 2014 Hotel Pennsylvania, New York City We’re thrilled to announce that the whistleblower of all whistleblowers – Daniel Ellsberg – will be a keynote speaker at HOPE X in New York City this July. Daniel Ellsberg was the cause of one of the biggest political controversies in the history of the …