Berto Jongman: Transatlantic Drug Trade — The US Market Keeps on Growing

Transatlantic Drug Trade Europe, Latin America and the Need to Strengthen Anti-Narcotics Cooperation Latin American drug networks are increasing their operations in Europe, primarily because the size of the cocaine market has decreased in North America. The appropriate response, argues this briefing paper, is to further improve transatlantic counter-narcotics cooperation. That could include stronger links …

Berto Jongman: West Point Software for Mapping Organized (Street) Crime — Made in Israel, Another Back Door to US Data?

Unmasking organised crime networks with data Military software engineers have developed a program that can predict the social structures of street gangs. Philip Ball explains how it could help fight crime. One of the big challenges in fighting organised crime is precisely that it is organised. It is run a bit like a business, with …

Search: books that teach intelligence tradecraft

“Intelligence tradecraft” applies to each element of the intelligence cycle and is distinct for each of the eight tribes of intelligence.  It also varies depending on the threat target and the policy objective. Each of the above can be further distinguished at the four different levels of effort (strategic, operatonal, tactical, technical — the threat …

Eagle: CIA, Militant Islam, the Chechen Connection — Proxy War on Russia, Trade-Off for Syria?

Global Research  will be publishing a series of articles and reports with a view to promoting “Boston Truth”.  The underlying objective is  to confront and challenge the official version of events concerning the Boston bombings as well as the twisted and convoluted interpretations of the mainstream media. We invite our readers to endorse “Boston Truth” …

Reflections on Information Pathologies & Organizational Intelligence — Why Predictive Analytics on Industrial Era Data is Fraud, Waste, & Abuse

Coherent, the Force is…. Restrictive Control and Information Pathologies in Organizations Wolfgang Scholl* Humboldt-University, Berlin Although the relation of power to knowledge is an often discussed theme, a psychological and sociological scrutiny of the issue is lacking. A new conceptual and theoretical approach to this issue is presented here that distingushes between restrictive and promotive …

Yoda: Organization of American States Dead? Chile Playing Both Sides Cuba to Lead the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC)?

Spanish, Force Speaks.  English Not. CELAC Rising: The Monroe Doctrine Turned on Its Head? Last Monday, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean Countries (CELAC) met for its second summit in Santiago, Chile, one year after its founding meeting in Caracas, Venezuela in 2011.  The Summit is the culmination of roughly a decade of efforts …