Worth a Look: Pandemic Blunder: Fauci and Public Health Blocked Early Home COVID Treatment

Every American feeling anxious, concerned, and frightened about the COVID pandemic will benefit from reading Pandemic Blunder: Fauci and Public Health Blocked Early Home COVID Treatment. This book will help everyone protect their health by becoming better informed about medicines for preventing and curing the COVID infection. Pandemic Blunder is the first book to explain …

Robert Steele: Fake Pandemic, Toxic/Placebo Vaccines, Crimes Against Humanity — Let Us Await Nuremberg 2.0

I have been avoiding the COVID-19 nonsense every since YouTube decided to censor truth on that point, and then truth on election fraud as well. Now I am making four movies and I chose NOT to do one on COVID-19.  I did the first major holistic article on the fake pandemic, medical Nazism, Zionist culpability, …

Michel Chossudovsky: The Corona “Pandemic” Timeline: What Happened in January – March 2020?

The Corona “Pandemic” Timeline: What Happened in January – March 2020? To read the E-Book including a detailed analysis pertaining the economic and financial dimensions (Chapters IV, V and IX) click here: The 2020 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset” Phi Beta Iota: Professor Chossudovski is …