Marcus Aurelius: KR Speculation About North Korea War Risk

From LIGNET (Langley Intelligence Group Network), a local commercial intel firm that trades on the perception, valid or otherwise, that it has ties to CIA. North Korea Threat Real; Retaliation Could Start Hot War March 19, 2013 After just over one year in power, North Korea’s novice leader, 30-year old Kim Jong Un, has dashed …

Open Power: Democracy Lost & Found Essay, Book Review Blurbs and Links [Updated 3 MAR 2015]

NEW: Kindle Book Open Power ($2.99) OLD: Core Documents for Both Initiatives (Free) OLD: the foundation book The Open Source Everything Manifesto ROBERT STEELE: There are two schools of thought on effecting political (and hence economic and social) reform. One school is the school of love — this school emphasizes trust building and doing no …

INTELLIGENCE with INTEGRITY: Chapter 5 Systems Thinking & True Cost Economics

DRAFT 1 OF 15 Chapter 5: Systems Thinking & True Cost Economics Funded by Mark Palermo, Inc. A.  Thinking & the Truth. 76 B.  Systems Thinking. 77 1.  Overview.. 77 2.  Time & Space in Systems Thinking. 78 3.  Creating & Using a Provisional Model 79 4.  Understanding Risk. 79 5.  Acts of Man: Failures …

Marcus Aurelius: White House Corruption + Flag Corruption = Defense Meltdown [Robert Steele: 2 Out of 3]

Add to this escalation of toxic leadership, particularly in Army, and senior leader incompetence [see Tom Ricks’ book, The Generals] and you get an unappealing prospect]. W/R/T Gen. Mattis specifically, his competence, integrity — and candor — are legendary.  His summary characterization of U.S. Marine is classic:  “no better friend, no worse enemy.”   I’ve heard Mackubin Owens …

Marcus Aurelius: Dick Cheney Nominates Sam Nunn for Defense — We Do Not Make This Stuff Up!

For the record. Bloomberg Businessweek, February 18, 2013, Pg. 29 Charlie Rose Talks To Dick Cheney ‘The damage we’re doing to the Defense Department is enormous’ By Charlie Rose Someone said to me that, since you received your heart transplant last year, you’re a new man. That you’re mellow, less strident. Is this true? My …

Chuck Spinney: Panetta’s Phony Doomsday Scenario

Panetta’s Phony Doomsday Scenario Two Questions for the Next Secretary of Defense by FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY CounterPunch, 11 February 2013 EXTRACT Figure 1 places Mr. Panetta’s claim into the context of past defense budgets.  I have aggregated these budgets into the four year totals corresponding to each presidential term since Harry Truman’s second term began …