Marcus Aurelius: USAF Priorities — Relieve One Colonel of Command for a Waistline (He Passed the PT Test), Never Mind the F-35 Killing Pilots and Budgets, or Generals Who Cannot Win Wars….

Priorities! Colonel relieved of command for failing PT [Waist Measurement] By Jeff Schogol – Staff writer Military Times, Wednesday Mar 20, 2013 16:47:54 EDT The Air Force has relieved a full colonel with an impeccable resume for failing his physical fitness test [Phi Beta Iota: he passed the physical test, it was his waist measurement …

Mini-Me: Reports Sights France and Turkey In An Assassination Plot On Assad

Huh? Reports Sights France and Turkey In An Assassination Plot On Assad A Lebanese news website says it has obtained a documentary movie revealing a plot hatched by French and Turkish spy agencies to assassinate Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Lebanese Asianews website says the movie, which has been produced by the well-known Syrian media activist …

Phil Giraldi: Who’s Turning Syria’s Civil War Into a Jihad?

Who’s Turning Syria’s Civil War Into a Jihad? Philip Giraldi American Conservative, February 28, 2013 The tale of what is going on in Syria reads something like this: an insurgency active since March 2011 has been funded and armed by Saudi Arabia and Qatar and allowed to operate out of Turkey with the sometimes active, …

Patrick Meier: Next Generation Humanitarian Technology

Keynote: Next Generation Humanitarian Technology I’m excited to be giving the Keynote address at the Social Media and Response Management Interface Event (SMARMIE 2013) in New York this morning. A big thank you to the principal driver behind this important event, Chuck Frank, for kindly inviting me to speak. This is my first major keynote since …

Patrick Meier: Using CrowdFlower to Microtask Disaster Response — and Robert Steele on CrowdFlower to Manage Micro-gifting Local to Global Range of Needs & Fulfillment Table to Household Level

Using CrowdFlower to Microtask Disaster Response Cross-posted from CrowdFlower blog A devastating earthquake struck Port-au-Prince on January 12, 2010. Two weeks later, on January 27th, a CrowdFlower was used to translate text messages from Haitian Creole to English. Tens of thousands of messages were sent by affected Haitians over the course of several months. All of these were …

Berto Jongman: London Review of Books Detailed Report on Everything the CIA and John Brennan do NOT Know About Syrian Rebels, Corrupt Supply Lines, and Operational Effectiveness

How to Start a Battalion (in Five Easy Lessons) Ghaith Abdul-Ahad reports from Syria London Review of Books, Vol. 35 No. 4 · 21 February 2013 EXTRACT: ‘We reached a point in the fighting, in spring 2012, when we needed proper support. We needed heavy machine guns, real weapons. Money was never an issue: how …