Reference: EUROPOL Threat Assessment (Abridged) Internet Facilitated Organized Crime

Table of Contents Key Judgments & Recommendations Background Internet Facilitated Organized Crime Challenges and Opportunities Emerging and Future Trends Concluding Remarks Phi Beta Iota: The most interesting aspect is the recognition that neither government nor corporations nor social networks can be safe in isolation–there is a clear and compelling requirement for new forms of hybrid …

Reference: Bioterrorism Threat and US Preparedness

Ready or Not? Protecting the Public from Diseases, Disasters, and Bioterrorism In the eighth annual Ready or Not? Protecting the Public from Diseases, Disasters, and Bioterrorism report, 14 states scored nine or higher on 10 key indicators of public health preparedness. Three states (Arkansas, North Dakota, and Washington State) scored 10 out of 10. Another …

Graphic: Cyber-Threat 101

As first used in a briefing to the National Security Agency conference in Las Vegas, 9 January 2002. 2002 The New Craft of Intelligence–What Should the T Be Doing to the I in IT? See Also: Journal: Army Industrial-Era Network Security + Cyber-Security RECAP (Links to Past Posts)

Journal: Wikileaks Exposes How NYT and Washington Post Shill for US Government on Iran Missile “Threat”

Iranians (Persians) have viewed Russia (Soviet Union) with distrust and as a menace or outright threat for hundreds of years, at least since the Russian Tsars cemented their expansion into Turkestan (or the Turkic countries in what is now called Central Asia).  The fact that Iran sits on top of one of the world’s largest …