Ezra Klein: Dylan Matthew’s Five Reforms Framed for Left & Right — Spotlight on How to Sell Anything to the Two-Party Mob

The depressing psychological theory that explains Washington Dylan Matthews’s “Five conservative reforms millennials should be fighting for” isn’t just an admirably intricate piece of trolling. It’s a perfect illustration of why you can’t take Washington’s policy debates at face value. You can’t understand what’s happened to Congress in recent years if you don’t understand what …

4th Media: Noam Chomsky: AMERICAN Politics Has Descended into MADness, Pure Savagery

Noam Chomsky: AMERICAN Politics Has Descended into MADness, Pure Savagery Author and activist Noam Chomsky said that the congressional controversy over extending unemployment benefits is evidence that American politics has descended into madness.   “The refusal to provide very minimal living standards to people who are caught in this monstrosity — that’s just pure savagery,” …

Lanier: Silicon Valley Killing Middle Class

Lanier: Silicon Valley Making the “Stupid Choice” This piece by NYT columnist Joe Nocera on his read of Jaron Lanier’s book Who Owns the Future is thought-provoking and worth serious consideration by policy makers in the government especially, if only because colossal Silicon Valley greed blinds technology companies to the economic destruction their technology is …

Eagle: 750,000 Young People in UK Feel They Have Nothing to Live For…

Young people ‘feel they have nothing to live for’ Katherine Sellgren BBC, 1 January 2014 As many as three quarters of a million young people in the UK may feel that they have nothing to live for, a study for the Prince’s Trust charity claims. The trust says almost a third of long-term unemployed young …