Reference: Legitimate Grievances by Robert Steele

As we all observe with stunning detachment the symbiotic continuance of Bush-Obama Democratic-Republican support to the Wall Street looting of America led by Goldman Sachs, whose executives continue to “own” the Department of the Treasury and the Bank of New York (Federal Reserve), I believe it helpful to itemize some legitimate grievances that could inspire …

Search: China Fake Gold + Fraud RECAP

2004 Seagrave (US/FR) Interview with Sterling and Peggy Seagrave on Gold Warriors: America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold Journal: $750 Billion Wall Street Scam, Russian Anger, Chinese Intent, We are NOT Making This Up! Journal: Banks’ Foreclosure ‘Robo-Signers’ Were Hair Stylists, Teens, Walmart Workers–Lawsuit Journal: China May Demand Physical Gold Journal: Chuck Spinney Highlights Labor …

Reference: THE WORLD ORDER A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism with an Emphasis on the Rothschilds and the Central Banks of Europe

This one book will explain more history than any other I have ever read.  South Pole Sends. Phi Beta Iota: The public is starting to do to the Rothschilds, Central Banks, and the Federal Reserve what plane spotters did to CIA rendition flights.  We support truth & reconciliation; we do NOT support revenge or expropriation …

Journal: Five Myths Debunked–Treasury Run by Crooks

I asked my good friend Marshall Auerback, an investment advisor and lawyer by training and a senior fellow at the Roosevelt Institute, to evaluate Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s claim that TARP has been a stunning success.  Geithner made this claim in a 10 October op-ed in the Washington Post, entitled, “Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner tackles …

Review: Building Social Business–The New Kind of Capitalism that Serves Humanity’s Most Pressing Needs

4 in isolation, beyond 6 in context–a cornerstone book July 14, 2010 Muhammad Yunus and Karl Weber While I sympathize with those who feel that the book lacks reference to prior art, that social business has been around for a very long time, and that much of the book is somewhat similar to his first …