Journal: Is Israel’s Infamy Obama’s Third Strike?

Pusillanimity or Hypocrisy or Both Memo to Obama: Three Strikes and You’re Out By FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY Counterpunch I believe Obama’s schtick during his campaign for president was to subtly encourage his adversaries to impale themselves of the horns of their own contradictions.  This kind of strategy can be particularly effective in the all-important moral …

Journal: Henry Seigman on Israel’s Freeze Scam

Netanyahu’s Freeze Scam by Henry Siegman 30 Sep 2010 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s remarks at the formal White House launching of the resumed Middle East peace talks on September 2 were the clearest indication yet of his lack of seriousness. But neither the host, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, nor any of the distinguished guests …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: Israel-Palestine

Israel-Palestinian Authority: US Secretary of State Clinton said on 20 August that Israel and the Palestinians agreed to resume direct negotiations for the first time in 20 months. A senior PLO official said the Palestinians accepted the U.S. invitation to begin direct peace negotiations between Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu …

Journal: Israel, Left to Right, One-State Reprise

Another fascinating report by Jonathan Cook,  a freelance reporter based in Nazareth on the West Bank, and one of the best reporters covering the Middle East One-State Debate Explodes Myth About Zionist Left by Jonathan Cook,, July 21, 2010 A version of this article originally appeared in The National, published in Abu Dhabi. A …

NIGHTWATCH Extract on Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Saudi Arabia

Iran-Turkey: Iranian President Ahmadi-Nejad said on 13 June that the United States pressured Turkey to abstain on a U.N. Security Council vote approving new sanctions against Iran, instead of voting against the sanctions, Islamic Republic TV reported. Ahmadi-Nejad said Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan told him US President Obama spoke with Erdogan on the telephone requesting …