Owl: Micro Drones for Assassination – A New Equalizer Between 1% and 99%?

The New Equalizer – A Genuine Game Changer: Kamikaze Assassination Micro Drones The revolver was the great equalizer of the 19th and 20th centuries between individuals unequal in power or size, and perhaps, in the light of John Robb’s writings, guns of various kinds have been a great equalizer between guerilla fighters and much larger …

Owl: Alternative Media is Winning — on 9/11 and More…

Alternative Media is Winning Is the tide finally turning, is the public becoming better informed despite the 24 hour-a-day propaganda onslaught of mainstream media produced by the 1%? It seems so, as this article implies that for the scions of the Establishment and the 1% and their propaganda organs to turn their attention to alternative …

Review (Guest): Bowling Alone – The Collapse and Revival of American Community

Robert Putnam 5.0 of 5.0 Stars. The Promise of Social Capitalism By Ed Brenegar on May 18, 2000 When I first came across the idea that Robert Putnam wrote about in his 1995 article Bowling Alone, I felt like a whole new world and language had been openned up to me. Every thing he writes …

SchwartzReport: Insurance Companies Begin Acknowledging Climate Change, Break with Energy Industry Denials of Climate Change

If you have been reading SR for some time you know I predicted this in the late 90s. Eventually a wide range of industries are going to be opposed to the carbon energy interests. This is an important trend, and one to watch closely. Rift Widening Between Energy And Insurance Industries Over Climate Change KEN …

Owl: American Mass Media – 24 Hours of Non-Stop Lies, Obfuscations, and Omissions

American Mass Media: 24 Hours of Non-Stop Lies, Obfuscations, and Omissions Is there anything in all of human history that is quite like American mass media in its power and capacity to pump out – through gigantic electronic fire hoses for 24 hours a day, every day of the week – lies upon lies (to …

Owl: Nuke May Have Been Unleashed in Iran – Did an Error Survive in CIA’s Plans for the Bomb as Given to the Iranians?

Nuke May Have Been Unleashed in Iran “Iranian Fars News Service reported a massive explosion in Qazvin, Iran today. The origins may have been nuclear. Arutz Sheva reported: An immense explosion has been heard throughout the northern Iranian city of Qazvin, semi-official Fars news agency reported, and many casualties are expected from the blast. Around …

Owl: U-2 at 60,000 Fries California Air Traffic Control

When I first saw this yesterday, the first thing I thought was the Air Force or DOD conducted a successful experiment. Today, Wayne Madsen chimes in saying “What is the Air Force and CIA playing with now? Some new toy that could do the same with computerized Russian air defense networks? Count on it.” http://waynemadsenreport.com/categories/20130101_1 …