NIGHTWATCH: Silence of the Diplomatic Gerbils, Failure of US Intelligence & USMC

Libya:Multiple sources have reported more details on the events that led to the death of Ambassador Stephens. The details suggest this was another case of well-intentioned but misguided hubris by Americans, as to their own safety, and well-aimed and well- targeted attacks by the Muslim attackers. This appears, in fact, to have been a deliberate …

Review (Guest): The Open Source Everything Manifesto – Transparency, Truth & Trust

Robert David Steele PREPARE TO HAVE YOUR MIND BLOWN!,June 24, 2012 B. Tweed DeLions “B.T.” If there’s a single Founding Father of the Open Source movement, Robert D. Steele is it. Everyone else has been playing catchup. And if you don’t know what the Open Source revolution is, you need to read this book. You …

Mini-Me: JFK Assassination Cover-Up Unravels Further + RECAP

Huh? Photographic Evidence of Bullet Hole in JFK Limousine Windshield ‘Hiding in Plain Sight’ by Douglas P. Horne, June 4, 2012 In 2009, I believed I had discovered new evidence in the JFK assassination never reported by anyone else: convincing photography of the through-and-through bullet hole in the windshield of the JFK limousine that …

Mini-Me: Obamacide of the American Nation – Adverse Drug Reaction Holocaust

Huh? Obamacide Of American Nation Warned to Accelerate By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers A shocking in depth report written by Acting Minister Tatyana Golikova of the Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development (MHSD) sent to President Putin this past week on the economic and social-political ramifications of the 2-year old United States law …

Gary North: Empires Disintegrate

The Looming Reversal of Centralization by Gary North Tea Party Economist “Centralization induces apoplexy at the center and anemia at the extremities.” ~ Lamenais The present political system is clearly insane. It suffers from schizophrenia. Around the world, almost no one trusts the politicians, yet almost everyone votes for incumbent politicians who promise to reform …