Berto Jongman: Who Owns the Gun Business in the USA? To What End? What Happens If All Gun Factories and Ammunition Factories Are Shut Down?

Sorcha Faal is a known fabricator with a gift for connecting sources that are worth studying. Obama Drug Cartel Moves To Destroy Jewish Gun Empire In US A shocking new Federal Security Services (FSB) report on the Obama regimes accelerated plan to disarm his countries citizens, claims that the US President is being supported in …

SchwartzReport: Catholic Church Has One Foot in Hell

SchwartzReport: Three versions of the same story — the Catholic Church is the primary supply, demand, and permissive/dismissive force in pedophelia world-wide. German Catholic Church Cancels Inquiry An independent inquiry into sex abuse in the German Catholic Church was supposed to restore faith in the embattled institution. But now the Church has called it off, …

Berto Jongman: Eight Paradigm Shifts — Starting Now…

Are We on the Verge of an Interspiritual Age? By Bernard Starr (about the author) EXTRACT The horrific events that we read about and view in vivid television reports hardly testify to an imminent state of spiritual elevation. Conflict, greed, self-interest, divisiveness, warfare and even genocide are as prevalent on the world stage today as …

Marcus Aurelius: Australian Media – USG Calls Assange as an Enemy of the State + Wikileaks RECAP

Julian ASSANGE probably is a bona fide “enemy of the State;” not sure that is actually an official US Government term.   However, since the first hoopla about Bradley MANNING and Wiki-leaks came out a couple of years ago, I’m not sure the troops have been adequately warned that reading Wiki-leaks sites is proscribed.  At that …

Mini-Me: NCAA fines Penn State $60M, vacates wins from 1998-2011

Huh? NCAA fines Penn State $60M, vacates wins from 1998-2011 STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (AP) — The NCAA crippled Penn State football for years to come and practically tore Joe Paterno’s name out of the record books Monday, erasing 14 years of victories and imposing an unprecedented $60 million fine and other punishment over the child …

Mini-Me: Agents of Religion – Religion of Agents

Huh? AGENTS OF RELIGION-RELIGION OF AGENTS (Vol. I): THE INFLUENCE OF FAITH IN THE INTELLIGENCE SERVICES Zhyldyz Oskonbaeva (RIEAS Senior Advisor & Eurasian Liaison) NEWSLETTER Issue #5 – May 2012 (Mediterranean Council for Intelligence Studies) The more followers you have, the stronger is their belief in you. The more believers you have, the greater your …

Mini-Me: Provocative Comparison – Imperial Conquest & Catholic Conquistadores

Huh? The doctrine of intervention Manuela Picq Manuela Picq has just completed her time as a visiting professor and research fellow at Amherst College. Today’s political ethics are surprisingly similar to the doctrine of discovery set by the Vatican back in 1452. Al Jazeera, 04 Apr 2012 New York, NY – One does not think …