Chuck Spinney: Goodbye Occupy – Political Engineering the Police State — Strip-Searching as Symptom

The politics of fear in insecurity are now the staple of American politics.  They were used habitually during  the Cold War to create powerful vested interests in a permanent war economy.  These interests are clearly reflected in the pattern of political practices of the Military – Industrial – Congressional Complex (MICC) that maintains and increases …

Robert Steele: Liberation Technology Update

Liberation Technology is much broader than Information Communications Technology (ICT) and is not synonymous (although it should be) with Open Source Everything (OSE).  It seemed like a good time to provide an update on this key term.   Within the ICT arena, we distinguish Autonomous Internet (OpenBTS to Open Specturm), and Advanced Information Operations (AIO), the …

David Isenberg: Revolution at State? Or Lipstick on the Pig?

Revolution @State: The Spread of Ediplomacy Executive summary The US State Department has become the world’s leading user of ediplomacy. Ediplomacy now employs over 150 full-time personnel working in 25 different ediplomacy nodes at Headquarters. More than 900 people use it at US missions abroad. Ediplomacy is now used across eight different program areas at …

Howard Rheingold: Media Literacy and the Challenge of New Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

Media Literacy and the Challenge of New Information and Communication Technologies SONIA LIVINGSTONE The Communication Review Volume 7, Issue 1, 2004, pages 3-14 “The article begins with a definition: media literacy is the ability to access, analyse, evaluate and create messages across a variety of contexts. This four-component model is then examined for its applicability …

Patrick Meier: On Rumors, Repression and Digital Disruption in China: Opening Pandora’s Inbox of Truthiness?

On Rumors, Repression and Digital Disruption in China: Opening Pandora’s Inbox of Truthiness? The Economist recently published a brilliant piece on China entitled: “The Power of Microblogs: Zombie Followers and Fake Re-Tweets.” BBC News followed with an equally excellent article: “Damaging Coup Rumors Ricochet Across China.” Combined, these articles reveal just how profound the digital disruption …

Review: Cyber-War – The Next Threat to National Security and What To Do About It

Richard Clarke 4.0 out of 5 stars Clarke is Always Worth Reading–and Always 20 Years Behind, March 31, 2012 I wrote the original letter to Marty Harris at the National Information Infrastructure, it–and the attachments developed with Winn Schwartau, Jim Anderson, and Bill Caeli–are easily found by searching for < 1994 Sounding the Alarm source=phibetaiota …