NIGHTWATCH: China — Analytic Breakdown of Third Plenary

China: On 12 November, the Third plenary meeting of the 18 Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party concluded its four days of deliberations and issued a communique. Many analysts and commentators have published their views of the meaning and implications of the many topics covered in the communique. The more superficial have focused on …

Sreeram Chaulia: Russia-China-India “Strategic Triangle”

A new power triangle The relative decline of America’s military, economy and soft power has led to new possibilities for restructuring leadership. Russia, India and China have been grasping at these new horizons. The Asian Age, 22 October 2013 Two back-to-back diplomatic summits this week between India and Russia, followed by India and China, are …

SchwartzReport: All Dried Up – China Water Crisis

All Dried Up The Economist (U.K.) Water is destiny. And here, once again, is evidence of this. China’s water and, thus, food problems hold tremendous implications for not just China but the world. BEIJING — CHINA endures choking smog, mass destruction of habitats and food poisoned with heavy metals. But ask an environmentalist what is …