Berto Jongman: Iranian Documentary on Gwenyth Todd, Who Stopped False Flag Attack on Iran by Admiral Cosgrove

YouTube (26:14).  Being watched in Europe.  This is produced by Iran, but the entire documentary is a single American making sense. Untold Truths about War on Iran — Press TV’s Documentary Published on Feb 4, 2013 Press TV’s documentary program “Untold Truths” is a revealing documentary film about the life and experiences of former White …

Mini-Me: One View of AIPAC Poodle Show (Hagel Hearing), Word Count Assessment — Israel and Iran Over and Over No Substance

Huh? Hagel confirmation hearing turns into the AIPAC Poodle Show … by  Jim W. Dean, VT Editor                           …  Press TV It was an embarrassing day to be an American last Friday. The Founding Fathers are turning over in their graves, once again. I knew it was coming, but it was worse than I expected. AIPAC …

Marcus Aurelius: White House Flushing US Hawks on Iran — Meanwhile, Intelligence with Integrity About Iran is Completely Lacking

From all I’ve heard and read, Gen Mattis is one of finest GO’s to come along in a very long time.) The ouster of Mattis: Some follow-up details and a White House response Posted By Thomas E. Ricks Saturday, January 19, 2013 – 5:17 PM Share Here are a few things I have heard since I …

Warren Pollock: Interview with John Xenakis on China and Japan, Syria, Turkey, & Iran, The Next War (Audio)

AUDIO Published on Jan 12, 2013 A talk between John Xenakis and Warren Pollock recorded in August of 2012. This is being re-posted because some of the points we talked about five months ago are first gaining traction in the press, and then they are getting spun incorrectly. Sunni Shi-ite War in Middle East?  Turkey …

David Isenberg: Iran – Nuclear Dog That Cannot Bark

Iran: the Nuclear Dog that can’t Bark By David Isenberg LobeLog Foreign Policy, 7 January 2012 Apart from death and taxes, one other thing has also appeared inevitable, at least for the past two decades: Iran will acquire a nuclear weapons capability. Yet, despite all the near frantic demands for sanctions, clandestine action, sabotage, and …