Journal: ClimateGate 8 Dec 09 Afternoon

UN climate conference faces four obstacles: Chinese official This conference cannot end with hollow commitments of developed countries, which cannot be fulfilled like its predecessors. “China’s position on this issue is very clear — the Bali Roadmap must be fully respected,” said Xie. Therefore, it is not necessary for the voluntary emission reduction actions taken …

Journal: Withdrawal? We Don’t Need No Stinking Withdrawal…

Clinton And Gates: No Deadline On Afghan Withdrawal — We Swear! Chuck Spinney Sends…. In today’s cameos [summary attached below] on the Sunday talk show circuit, Defense Secretary Gates (no doubt the Surge’s wily deus ex machina) and Secretary of State Clinton (Gates’ transparent accomplice) stated again that there is no deadline for a withdrawal of US …

Review (Guest): Adam Smith in Beijing–Lineages of the Twenty-First Century

REVIEW (Guest) by By Malvin Historical perspective on China’s ascent, December 19, 2007 Giovanni Arrighi “Adam Smith in Beijing” by Giovanni Arrighi delivers a sophisticated history and analysis of the rise of the Asian economy. Displaying a deep knowledge of world history including novel insights into the works of Adam Smith and Karl Marx, Mr. Arrighi …

Reflections on Peace & Prosperity

Interestingly, the fraud of Al Gore and the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) combine with the total ineptitude of the Nobel Peace Prize “Committee” to jointly demonstrate that the fragmentation of scientific, economic, and political knowledge has now become catastrophic, and that “top-down” elite organizations such as the Nobel Preace Prize Committee pretends to …