Robert Steele: World Bank Open Access / Open Knowledge

Press Release WASHINGTON, April 10, 2012 – The World Bank today announced that it will implement a new Open Access policy for its research outputs and knowledge products, effective July 1, 2012. The new policy builds on recent efforts to increase access to information at the World Bank and to make its research as widely available …

Marcus Aurelius: The Pentagon’s New Defense Clandestine Service

The Pentagon’s New Defense Clandestine Service American Thinker, 27 April 2012 Earlier this week, the Associated Press reported a new intelligence initiative coming out of the Pentagon. We are constantly reminded that intelligence agencies have difficulty sharing their work, yet the Pentagon has decided to create another intelligence agency — the Defense Clandestine Service. Many …

Michel Bauwens: Is Open Source Hardware Creating an Open World?

Is open hardware creating a more open world? Feature | April 25, 2012 | By Adrian Giordani international science grid this week Just as retro ideas from a bygone era can inspire modern fashion, film, and TV trends, today’s researchers are being empowered by the revival of an innovative technology concept from the past: open-source …

DefDog: The infamous ‘take down the Internet in 30 minutes’ hearing from 1998 — Tens of Billions Later, NSA and OMB Have Not Done Their Jobs, US Cyber is Wide Open and Unsafe at Any Speed + Meta-RECAP

This is the famous hearing where Mudge told senators he could K-O the Internet in 30 minutes. It was a wide-ranging discussion, though Mudge’s claim is what the media ran with at the time. Watch and ask yourself, as Trustwave’s Tom Brennan does on his Facebook page this morning: “14 Years… have we gotten better?” …

Patrick Meier: On Rumors, Repression and Digital Disruption in China: Opening Pandora’s Inbox of Truthiness?

On Rumors, Repression and Digital Disruption in China: Opening Pandora’s Inbox of Truthiness? The Economist recently published a brilliant piece on China entitled: “The Power of Microblogs: Zombie Followers and Fake Re-Tweets.” BBC News followed with an equally excellent article: “Damaging Coup Rumors Ricochet Across China.” Combined, these articles reveal just how profound the digital disruption …